Tuesday 2 September 2008

Development agenda in least developed countries

Out of 192 countries ( member of UNO) more than 50 countries are listed as least developed countries. Which means people of these countries are living with less than 1 dollar per day. Stories of other many countries are not different. It shows that majority countries are either least developed or developing countries.
Among these least developed countries "NEPAL" is one which is situated between China and India. Nepal shares boarder with India from three sides and with China from one side. So Nepal is land linked country which does not have direct access to sea. Since the membership in UNO, Nepal has been listed as least developed country. It means in last may decades Nepal could not develop itself. Why?
Answer is simple, political instability and corruption. Before 1950 Nepal was ruled by Rana regime putting the people in darkness. No education was available. After democracy in 1950 again Nepal was ruled by king without providing political freedom.
Till 2006 Nepal had countless government whose age was from 9 month to 2-3 years. So major reason of no development was political instability. During democracy Nepali Congress held power most of the time. Political leaders of this party became rich but the nation became poor and poor. Every day there was conspiracy to make and dissolve the government. Parties had no time for national development.
Another reason is wide spread corruption. It starts from the very lower level of bureaucracy to the prime minister level. If we see the top level personnel of government, their living style is far better than the people of most developed countries. This is not possible without corruption. And important thing, even judiciary is not out of this corruption network. people are becoming poor and poor and leaders are becoming rich and rich.
To develop, major investment should be made in infrastructure such as road, irrigation, power and major emphasis should be given to agricultural sector. Investment should be made in productive sector such as export and agriculture. Only then economy of Nepal can be improved. Otherwise we remain poor and gap between haves and have not become wide.

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