Sunday 14 September 2008

Manners after leaving home

Being out of home is really painful. At the same time it is an opportunity to learn something new and explore the world. I am writing this blog about being abroad and leaving good manners at home.
I am now far from home and enjoying total freedom. parents have limited access with me and its totally upto me to make contact with them. But it does not mean that i should forget all the good thing and do whatever i want whatever i think. All of my thinking may not be good neither yours. Yours means somebody else.
Some of my friends are also abroad and have learnt using "F" word. Is this their tension or a nwe manner to be smart in front of others? Obviously its their tension, panic and frustration. In frustration they strat scolding others, underpining others emotion. But who is actually loosing?
Loosers are thise who slip fron their base. Base is once character, manner, knowledge. Only showing anger to other does not help you. What really help are becoming calm, patient and cooperative.
Never forget one thing you can make many friends but true friend is that who sits by your side even in your tough time.

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